Fewer things are as frustrating as a flat tire on a bicycle And I know I'm not alone when I say I absolutely hate finding one. I hate finding a flat because it means I have to change it which I hate even more.
I'm not a hateful person. I embrace my hatred and in fact, use it to channel my actions. I have made sure I know exactly how to change a flat in as short a time possible.
Like all mechanical operations, there is a procedure to follow. A step by step approach will ensure you're back on the road quickly.
The videos listed below explain in the detail needed how to perform that procedure, so watch them and practice.
However, here's a list of the stuff you need to have in your pack. Just remember, the failure to carry these dramatically increases the likelihood of your getting a flat.
List of needed tools and supplies:
1. At least two fresh (no patched) tubes.
2. A patch kit
3. Tire changing tools (at least three)
4. A pump or Co2 inflator
Now watch these videos and practice.
I'd love to hear your flat changing stories and any tips on making this less tedious.
One of the best I've seen:
A primer, but has some good illustrations on tools and thing to put in your carry bag.
Another good one: